

Children's Ministry
Our children are a high priority. Our heart is that our children know Jesus and how much He loves them. We have teachers on a rotation basis. If you need more information contact the church at (517) 442-4405

Prayer, Healing and Deliverance Ministry
We will pray for Salvation, needs, healing, and anything that you as a visitor may need. We believe healing belongs to us because of what Jesus has done. As Christ's followers we are called and empowered to pray for the sick (Mark 16:18). We believe in a Supernatural Culture. A culture that expects the supernatural intervention of God (Acts 2:43). We believe in a Culture of Honor. An honor that lays the foundation for an empowering culture where value for others is demonstrated because they have been created in the image of God and are valuable to Him (Romans 12:10). 

Prophetic Ministry
In Prophetic Ministry the heart of God is revealed and grace is released for His purpose to come to pass over the one we are ministering to. The Gift of Prophecy is given to the church in order to build up, lift up, cheer up people. (1 Corinthians 14:1)

Soaking Prayer Ministry
At Lifehouse Ministries communicating and listening to God through prayer is our primary focus. On Wednesdays, at 6:30pm, we meet at the church for a time of prayer and listening to what the Lord is saying. For more information on soaking contemplative prayer contact the church at (517) 442-4405

Teaching Ministry
At Lifehouse Ministries teaching the Word of God is also a top priority. Teaching biblical truth that can be lived out is what we aim for. Equipping the believers to live a supernatural lifestyle through the power of God's Holy Spirit.

Worship Ministry
At Lifehouse Ministries our first priority is to God, and so we set aside time on Sunday mornings to worship God together through music and Word. We believe in passionate worship to our God, you might see, hands raised, tears, dancing, banners, prophetic singing, all forms of expression to love and worship our God.


Additional resources for Inner Healing -


"Sozo" is a Greek word meaning wholeness in spirit, soul, and body.  It is used 110 times in the New Testament to describe Jesus' healing ministry.  Is. 61:1-6; Mt. 9:22

Sozo is a model and approach for helping people find freedom from sin, wounds, spiritual entanglements and lies that they believe.  It is under girded by foundational and Biblical understandings.  It is flexible, confidential process that has been proven helpful, healing and freeing to many people around the world over the last 10 years.  It is designed for use as a lifestyle for everyday people like you and me.

It is not counseling.  It is God-led, gentle and relational process carried out in a private conversational format, in which the person is encouraged to get to the roots of those things hindering their personal connection with God and others.

Breakthroughs in the spiritual and relationship realms occur as the team ministers the love of the Father through this honoring and confidential inner healing ministry.

Is Sozo for Me?
If you want to understand and be able to deal with spiritual-emotional issues in yourself or in your relationships with others.  If you want to experience God in a whole new way.  If you are willing to be stretched a bit in order to reach more healthy, whole, and joyful relationships -  Then this ministry may be for you!

A Sozo session may last 1.5 - 2 hours and is conducted by two team members.  This team will sit down with you and with the help of the Holy Spirit walk you through the process of freedom and wholeness.  Sometimes after walking out some of the truths revealed to you, new life issues arise and another session may be helpful.

Call for further information or to schedule an appointment for your Healing Ministry at: 517-442-4405